
Robert D Neill Contracting Inc

While continuing our tradition of superior painting and decorating services, Robert D. Neill Contracting Inc. also provides full service home remodeling, home additions, and new home building. Our knowledgeable administrative staff, reliable subcontractors and experienced project managers ensure impeccable craftsmanship and timely completion of each project we undertake.

Keyword Quest: How to Unearth SEO Gold (Without the Headache)

Keywords – they’re the tiny gold flakes you pan for in the SEO river. They might seem small, but they’re the secret weapon to getting your content seen online. How do you find the perfect ones, though? Let’s crack this code, adventurer!

How to unearth SEO Gold
How to unearth SEO Gold

First Step: Brainstorm Like a Boss

Get your creative thinking cap on! Imagine your topic and write down every word or phrase that pops into your head. Don’t worry about being fancy, just let the ideas flow freely. Think “quantity over quality” here.

Step Two: Be a Mind Reader (Kind Of)

Imagine you’re your ideal customer. What would you search for online? What words would you type into the search bar? Uncovering your audience’s search terms is like finding a treasure map – it leads to SEO gold!

Step Three: Tools Are Your Best Friends

Your gut instinct is great, but sometimes you need a sidekick. That’s where keyword research tools come in. They’re like your trusty map and compass, showing you how popular keywords are, how tough the competition is, and even suggesting new ideas. Think of it as smart planning, not cheating.

Step Four: Spy on the Competition (Shh!)

Here’s a little secret: check out what keywords your competitors are ranking for. See if you can use those keywords in your own unique way. In the world of SEO, all’s fair game!

Step Five: Pick Your Winners and Conquer!

Now that you have a mountain of keyword ideas, it’s time to choose the best ones. Look for keywords that are both popular (lots of searches) and have low competition (easier to rank for). Those are your golden nuggets!

The Final Treasure

Finding the right keywords isn’t brain surgery, but it does take a little digging and a sprinkle of creativity. Keep at it, and you’ll find keywords that bring visitors to your site, keep them engaged, and maybe even turn them into customers.

So there you have it, mateys! Your guide to keyword discovery, minus the boring bits. Happy hunting!

Unleashing the Potential of Keyword Research: An In-Depth Guide

Keywords serve as the cornerstone of a thriving SEO strategy. They encompass the terms and phrases individuals input into search engines to find what they seek. Gaining an understanding of pertinent keywords for your business and mastering the art of optimizing your content around them can unleash the force of search engine traffic, channeling qualified leads to your website. This is where the significance of the potential of keyword research comes into play. Keyword research involves the process of identifying the specific words and phrases that people use when seeking information online. Armed with appropriate keyword research tools and techniques, you can acquire valuable insights into your target audience, their search behavior, and the competitive landscape. In this comprehensive step-by-step guide, we will delve deep into the realm of keyword research, revealing how to harness its power to bolster traffic, generate leads, and boost sales for your business. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced marketer, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to triumph in the realm of SEO.

the potential of keyword research

Grasping the Significance of Keyword Research

Keyword research is the bedrock of identifying the words and phrases employed by people during online searches. By utilizing effective keyword research tools and techniques, you gain valuable insights into your target audience, their search behavior, and the competitive environment. Keyword research is indispensable for any business or website aspiring to achieve high rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs) and attract organic traffic.

Numerous advantages arise from conducting keyword research, including:

  • Identification of terms employed by your target audience: Keyword research assists in comprehending what your target audience is searching for and the specific terms they employ to find information related to your business or industry.
  • Exploration of fresh topics and content ideas: Keyword research aids in identifying novel topics and content ideas that pique your target audience’s interest. Crafting content centered around these topics enables you to allure more visitors to your website, establishing yourself as an authority in your field.
  • Optimization of content for SEO purposes: By incorporating relevant keywords into your content, you optimize it for search engines and increase your chances of achieving higher rankings in SERPs. Keyword research empowers you to pinpoint the most pertinent keywords for your business, capable of driving substantial traffic to your website.

Types of Keywords – Short-tail, Long-tail, and LSI

Before embarking on keyword research, it is crucial to comprehend the different types of keywords. Three primary types of keywords exist: short-tail, long-tail, and LSI.

  • Short-tail keywords: Short-tail keywords typically consist of one or two words and possess a broad nature. They are highly competitive and challenging to rank for. Examples of short-tail keywords include “shoes,” “cars,” and “flowers.”
  • Long-tail keywords: Long-tail keywords comprise lengthier phrases that are more specific in nature. Generally spanning three to four words, they exhibit less competition compared to short-tail keywords. Examples of long-tail keywords include “women’s running shoes,” “used cars for sale,” and “flower delivery in New York City.”
  • LSI keywords: LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords are words and phrases connected to your target keyword. They enable search engines to grasp the context and relevance of your content. Examples of LSI keywords for the keyword “running shoes” include “athletic shoes,” “sneakers,” and “jogging shoes.” Targeting a blend of short-tail, long-tail, and LSI keywords is vital to optimizing your content for search engines. While short-tail keywords can attract a broad audience, long-tail and LSI keywords facilitate the attraction of a more targeted audience.

Keyword Research Tools

An array of keyword research tools is at your disposal to identify relevant keywords for your business or industry. Some of the most widely used keyword research tools include:

  • Google Keyword Planner: Google Keyword Planner is a complimentary tool enabling you to search for keywords and access data on their search volume, competition, and estimated cost per click (CPC). It is an ideal tool for beginners commencing their keyword research journey.
  • SEMrush: SEMrush is a paid tool that empowers you to conduct in-depth keyword research and analysis. It provides comprehensive data on keyword volume, competition, trends, as well as your competitors’ keywords and rankings.
  • Ahrefs: Ahrefs is another paid tool furnishing detailed information on keyword volume, competition, and trends. It allows you to analyze your competitors’ keywords and backlinks, and monitor your keyword rankings over time.
  • Moz Keyword Explorer: Moz Keyword Explorer, available through a paid subscription, offers data on keyword volume, difficulty, and opportunity. It also suggests related keywords and enables you to analyze your competitors’ keywords and rankings. When selecting a keyword research tool, consider your budget, level of experience with keyword research, and the features that hold the greatest significance for your needs.

Analyzing Keyword Competition

After identifying a list of potential keywords, it is vital to analyze their competition. Keyword competition pertains to the number of other websites that target the same keyword. The greater the number of websites vying for a keyword, the more challenging it becomes to rank for that keyword.
Several factors warrant consideration when assessing keyword competition, including:

  • Domain authority: Websites with higher domain authority present more formidable competitors. Domain authority serves as a metric measuring the strength and authority of a website’s domain.
  • Page authority: Pages boasting higher page authority prove more challenging to outperform. Page authority serves as a metric gauging the strength and authority of a specific page on a website.
  • Backlinks: Websites with a larger number of backlinks present tougher competitors. Backlinks consist of links from other websites pointing to your own.
  • Content quality: Websites featuring high-quality content emerge as tougher competitors. High-quality content denotes informative, engaging, and well-written material. Analyzing competition for your target keywords empowers you to determine which keywords warrant targeting and which ones may prove too arduous to rank for.

Creating a List of Targeted Keywords

Once competition analysis for your target keywords is complete, it is time to compile a list of targeted keywords. This list should encompass a mixture of short-tail, long-tail, and LSI keywords relevant to your business or industry.
To create a list of targeted keywords, follow these steps:

  1. Initiate the process by compiling a list of broad, short-tail keywords relevant to your business or industry.
  2. Employ a keyword research tool to unearth long-tail and LSI keywords related to your broad keywords.
  3. Analyze the competition for each keyword to ascertain which ones are worth targeting.
  4. Prioritize your list based on estimated search volume and competition level for each keyword.
  5. Continuously refine your list based on the performance of your targeted keywords.

Mapping Keywords to Content

Upon acquiring a list of targeted keywords, it is crucial to map them to your content. This involves identifying the pages or posts on your website most pertinent to each keyword and optimizing them accordingly.
To map keywords to your content, adhere to the following steps:

  1. Identify the pages or posts on your website most relevant to each keyword.
  2. Optimize the title tag and meta description of each page or post utilizing the targeted keyword.
  3. Incorporate the targeted keyword into the URL, header tags, and body content of each page or post.
  4. Employ related keywords and phrases throughout the content to provide context and relevance to the

Optimizing On-Page Elements with Keywords

In addition to mapping keywords to your content, optimizing on-page elements with keywords plays a pivotal role. On-page optimization refers to optimizing the elements on a webpage that are visible to both users and search engines.
To optimize on-page elements with keywords, follow these steps:

Optimize the title tag and meta description of each page or post using the targeted keyword.
Incorporate the targeted keyword into the URL, header tags, and body content of each page or post.
Utilize related keywords and phrases throughout the content to provide context and relevance to the targeted keyword.
Optimize images by employing descriptive alt tags containing the targeted keyword.
Utilize internal linking to interconnect related pages and posts on your website, thereby providing additional context and relevance to the targeted keyword.

Mapping Keywords to Content

Upon acquiring a list of targeted keywords, it is crucial to map them to your content. This involves identifying the pages or posts on your website most pertinent to each keyword and optimizing them accordingly. To map keywords to your content, adhere to the following steps:

1. Conduct ongoing keyword research to identify new keywords and topics that are relevant to your business or industry.

2. Incorporate targeted keywords into your content calendar to ensure that each piece of content is optimized for search engines.

3. Optimize existing content by mapping keywords to relevant pages and posts and optimizing on-page elements.

4. Monitor the performance of your targeted keywords and adjust your content strategy as needed to improve rankings and traffic.

    Measuring and Analyzing Keyword Performance

    Measuring and analyzing keyword performance is essential for optimizing your SEO strategy over time. By monitoring the performance of your targeted keywords, you can identify areas for improvement and make adjustments to improve rankings and traffic.

    To measure and analyze keyword performance, follow these steps:

    1. Use a keyword tracking tool to monitor the rankings and traffic for your targeted keywords.

    2. Analyze the data to identify patterns and trends in keyword performance.

    3. Identify keywords that are performing well and prioritize them in your content strategy.

    4. Identify keywords that are not performing well and make adjustments to improve rankings and traffic.

    5. Refine your keyword research and content strategy over time based on the performance of your targeted keywords.


    Keyword research is an essential component of any successful SEO strategy. By understanding your target audience and their search behavior, you can identify the keywords that are most relevant to your business and optimize your content accordingly. With the right keyword research tools and techniques, you can unlock the power of search engine traffic and drive more qualified leads to your website. Follow the steps outlined in this guide to conduct effective keyword research and optimize your content for search engines.

    How To Find Relevant Keywords on any topic

    Have you ever searched for information about a topic and there seem to be none? I know how this feels, it makes you wonder if what you are searching for is so unpopular. Though some search engine result seems to be fruitful, but you will later find out it was a false tail, leading to nothing important. Here is How To Find Relevant keywords on any topic.

    How To Find Relevant keywords
    How To Find Relevant Keywords Photo by Nguyen Vu Hung (vuhung)

    At such frustrating times, you would be grateful for a relevant informative article. These are steps to getting relevant article from your search engines on any topic.

    Make sure your Keyword is spelled correctly

    Firstly, you need to be certain you have the right words or topic correctly spelt. If this is a phrase you need to ensure the words are rightly put together.

    Search Broadly for your Keyword

    Secondly, try to search for your topic broadly, instead of putting all the words in the same search, do it somewhat separately. For instance, if you’re searching for the best guest blogging services, you can run separate search queries for guest blogging, blogging services, guest posting services, etc. to generate different search results.

    Thoroughly Read All Relevant Articles

    Thirdly, when you get all the articles related to your topic, take out some meaningful time to thoroughly read them, and get all you can. If by any chance you still didn’t get any relevant information, then you have a hard nut to crack, maybe you would have to go back to hard copies to look for the information, hoping you find it.

    Side Effects of a No Carb Diet

    All your life you have been looking to adopt a diet plan that is low in carbohydrates as you have been thinking that low carbs are the key to weight loss. Well, there is no doubt about it that low carbs leads to loss in weight but also what you don’t understand is the side effects that come with it. Here are the side effects of no carb diet.

    Side Effects of a No Carb Diet
    Photo by dollen Side effects of a no carb diet

    Yes, low carbs diet plans cause serious harms to the body which includes slower metabolism, alters the levels of hormones in your body, decreases your emotional stability, puts you at a risk to gain weight again.

    With the new half day diet review at wisejug, it is well understood that you are not eliminating any carbohydrates from your body but instead you can consume as many carbs as you want. The diet has been planned that doesn’t limit you from eating any foods that you love. The diet limits the use of carbs at the daytime but at night you are allowed to consume as much diets as possible.

    With the consumption of carbs at night, it eliminates the dangers of no carbs diet and kicks in your metabolism, which is evidently far better than any low or no carb diet. You continue to enjoy better health at no risk.

    Business Card Promotional Ideas

    When we talk about any business, what we think about is the business has its own office with a fancy telephone that keeps on ringing with satisfied clients’ feedback. Most of the time we think that if a telephone is ringing in the office it is because some of their customers has to place an order because of their great past experience with this business. But what about Business Card Promotional Ideas?

    Business Card Promotional Ideas
    Business Card Promotional Ideas Photo by kvanhorn

    Most of the time we have the right guess it is really somebody placing an order, but what if somebody is calling to report well we better not get into that. So if you are looking to start your business in Singapore you must be ready for the telephone ringing. You might want to keep that phone ringing but for that, you must provide your customers with your business card.

    Local printing companies for Business Card Promotional Ideas

    If you haven’t got a business card of your own and you are looking for business card services Singapore this the time to go on an adventure to search for the local printing companies or you can always custom make your business card on a website and get it printed by sitting at your office desk. Both options are great and you can always check reviews about a site online if it delivers as promised or not.

    Wonder Workshop Dash & Dot Robots Makes Learning To Code Easy

    When I was contacted by Wonder Workshop last month to test Dash and Dot (robots that help kids learn to code) I was skeptical at first.  Before unboxing I looked on YouTube at the Wonder Workshop channel to see videos on the product, and then went to the Wonder Workshop website to click on `Apps’ and download the apps for use with my iPad 3 and iPad mini, both using iOS 8.3 at the time of this writing.

    dash Robot photo
    Photo by diane horvath

    The Sunnyvale, CA startup (formerly known as Play-i) founded by former Apple, Google and Frog Design employees made a splash in 2014 when they raised over $1.4 million in a Kickstarter campaign for programmable robots, Dash (the explorer”) and its sidekick, Dot (the storyteller”). Make sure to catch Dash and Dot videos on Youtube.

    Bragi solves this problem by including a charging case with an internal battery that can quickly charge the Dash up to five times on the go. The case is about the size of an old iPod classic, and comes with an impressively sturdy anodized metal cover.

    I programmed Dash to watch for movement from my office door, and when one of my Cats walked towards the door and came close enough, Dash would turn on the sirens, flash red and blue and chase after them, after Dash had completed the chase, Dash would return to the same spot Dash started at, and that would be the end of the sequence I programmed.

    Dash alone costs $149.99 which is a real robot while Dot is the brain of Dash that can be purchased separately for just $49.99. You can purchase the Wonder pack which includes both Dash and Dot robots, Xylophone, building brick connectors and various accessories for just $279.99. They also have holiday pack, launcher and various other accessories that can be purchased separately in their website.